How you consume cannabis can drastically change your experience, sometimes unexpectedly. Even if it's the exact same cannabis strain, using a different method to consume it can result in longer or more intense effects (sometimes both).
3 most popular methods of consumption:
Inhaling cannabis is how most people consume cannabis, whether by smoking, or vaping. Effects happen quickly and wear off faster than edibles and oil.
A highly-concentrated extract, cannabis oil is the most potent form of consuming the plant. The effects can surprise you, even if you've used a similar product before.
Cooking with cannabis is common but it's much harder to estimate your dose and effects. The effects are deceiving too; they take longer to feel and last much longer than smoking.
Property Safety
As of October 2018, cannabis users can grow up to 4 cannabis plants per residence (not per person living in the residence). During harvest season, outdoor cannabis plants become a target for theft. Check out our Property Safety page for tips on how to keep your property and cannabis plants safe.
Safe storage
It is important that cannabis and cannabis products are stored safely and labeled clearly.
Many edible cannabis products are packaged to contain several doses, and look like candies or snacks that could easily be mistaken as non-cannabis products.
Store cannabis products out of reach and/or locked up away from children and pets.
Cannabis and driving don't mix!