A paid duty is a work assignment arranged through the Woodstock Police, where an off-duty officer performs policing duties for an individual or organization other than the Woodstock Police and is paid by the third party (Example: traffic, security, dances, special events). Dances with alcohol being served must have a minimum of two officers.
Requests for paid duty officers must be received in writing using the prescribed form stating the nature of the duties to be performed, the number of hours involved, the specific hours for which the service is requested and the reasons why it is considered necessary to engage officers for such duties. Vehicles may be required depending on the nature of the paid duty.
Fees for this service are outlined on the Paid Duty Request Form.
Please note that a three (3) hour minimum applies for all officers and vehicles. Payable to Woodstock City Hall at the completion of the paid duty. Cancellation of the paid duty must be made within 24 hours of commencement of the shift, or the Applicant will be responsible for two hours at regular rate to each officer booked or three hours if officer(s) attends the paid duty. A 13% administration fee will be charged on the total amount paid to the officers and vehicle charges plus HST.
Paid Duty Requests can be mailed to:
Woodstock Police Station
615 Dundas Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 1E1
Or emailed to paidduties@woodstockpolice.ca
Or faxed to Woodstock Police Service 519-421-2818