Our Media Relations Officer is the official spokesperson for the Woodstock Police and acts as a primary liaison between the police service and the news media.
Communications for emergency and major incidents and emerging news
Whenever possible Woodstock Police will provide information on emergency and major incidents and emerging news. The information is released through direct notification to media agencies and postings to our Website, Facebook and Twitter accounts. If necessary the information will include alert or warning messages and instructions.
The immediate release of information will be dependent on public, victim and officer safety concerns as well as investigative integrity.
Are you a Member of the News Media and Have an Inquiry?
Please send all initial news and media inquiries through our Media Relations Officer
Regular office hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
519-421-2800 x 52258
Email the Media Relations Officer
After hours, call 519-537-2323 x9 and ask for the Media Relief Officer. Please know that the Media Relief Officer may or may not be readily available due to operational requirements.
Roles and responsibilities of the Media Relations Officer
Beyond communication of emergency and major incidents, the Media Relations officer has several other responsibilities.
- Review and disseminate newsworthy information to the news media and to the community through the Woodstock Police website and social media accounts.
- Provide the news media and the community with information on matters of administration and police operations as necessary.
- Ensure that any information released is in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the Ontario Police Services Act, and the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
- Update and maintain the Woodstock Police Service website.